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  • Foto del escritorAllan Uviedo

Ainhoa Atucha Gómez.

1 - Name and Surname.

- Ainhoa Atucha Gómez

2 - From what age did you play tennis and in which city did you start playing?

- Creo que empecé a jugar a las 5-6 años y empecé en un pequeño club en las rozas que está a las afueras de Madrid.

-I think I started playing at 5-6 years and I started in a small club in las rozas that is outside madrid.

3.-How many languages ​​do you speak?

- Hablo español que es mi primer idioma, inglés que lo aprendí viajando y quitándome la vergüenza y hablo un poco de francés, llevo un par de años estudiándolo.

-I speak Spanish that is my first language, English that I learned traveling and taking away the shame and I speak a little French, I’ve been study it for a couple of years.

4- At what age did you start playing professional tennis?

- Yo empecé muy tarde a entrenar y competir, de hecho con 15 años es cuando empecé a entrenar más serio y con 18 años es cuando comencé a jugar profesionalmente.

-I started very late to train and compete, in fact with 15 years is when I started to train more serious and with 18 years is when I started playing pro tournaments.

5- What has been your best tournament?

- Mi mejor torneo ha sido hacer semifinales en el torneo de 25k y octavos de final en un torneo de 60k.

-My best tournament has been to make semifinals in the 25k tournament and round of 16 in a 60k tournament.

6- What has been the best teaching that tennis has given you?

- La mejor enseñanza que me ha dejado el tenis es que si quieres conseguir algo tienes que trabajar mucho y saber que siempre habrá dificultades pero que siempre hay que luchar y ponerse en pie.

-The best teaching that tennis has left me is that if you want to get something you have to work hard and know that there will always be difficulties but you must always fight and stand up

7. - What message would you give to the boys and girls in your country who want to play professional tennis?

- Les diría que nunca es tarde para empezar, que lo importante es tener ganas de mejorar y que hay que trabajar muy duro .

-I would say that it is never too late to start, the important thing is to feel like improving and you have to work very hard.

8. - Currently, who is your coach?

- Mi entrenador se llama Paco y llevo entrenando con él desde los 15 años.

-My coach’s name is Paco and I’ve been training with him since I was 15.

9. - How do you see yourself in the next five years?

-5 años son muchos jajajaja

Me gustaría haber logrado mi meta y estar dentro de los top100

Y haber ganado algún torneo importante

-5 years are a lot hahahaha

I wish I had achieved my goal and been in the top100 and won some major tournament

Thanks a lot Ainhoa!

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